Sunday, April 18, 2010

House of Five Leaves

So I haven't actually watched any of this show myself, but I've read a lot of comments on it, and there seems to be a lot of argument over the unorthodox character design.

There are two main camps here. First, you have the pretentious morons who seem to love the show, but won't say more than how much they love the character design. This group also claims it to be "art", and yet contrasts it against other shows, such as Angel Beats, which is apparently not art? If you consider one anime to be art, you have to look at all anime as art. Now, some art is good, and some is bad, but you can't have it both ways. The most common assertion they have of the other side is that "They are 7 years old and have no taste in art."

The other camp are the shallow idiots, who claim the character design is "ugly", and can't seem to grasp that not everyone has the same taste they do. Indeed, they are willing to write an entire show off based entirely on it's character design. Now, they do have the right to do that. It's perfectly normal to make a snap judgment on whether you'll watch something based on how it appears. It's anime for god's sake, it's not that important. The problem with this side then, is not that they dislike the show due to appearance, it's that they feel the need to go and post online about how hideous it is. I even saw one person go so far as to say it made him nauseous. Why is it people can't just quietly dislike something and let others enjoy themselves?

The funny thing about this argument is that both sides have the same argument, in essence: "If you don't like what I like, you're (insert shallow or pretentious here)." Now, I am personally not a huge fan of the character design. I hear it looks better in motion, and it might. However, the character design isn't even the reason I haven't watched it. I haven't watched it because I can't find it for the life of me. Not that I really have the time to watch *another* new show this season.

1 comment:

  1. I understand some of that may seem... hypocritical to some people, considering that I disliked Katanagatari's art-style at first.

    But I did watch it. I try not to let things like the art style or character design get in the way of enjoying a story, but if I am already watching something like 7 shows that are airing weekly, and an 8th one has what I consider to be "ugly" character design at first glance, I'll probably pass it up for the time being unless I hear it's an amazing show or something. That's what happened with Katanagatari. I didn't watch it because I was busy watching other things, but Kevin said it was awesome, so I checked it out.
