The basic premise is that the main character, Yamada, (They never give her first/given name) is the most beautiful new first year at her high school, and she wants to find 100 fuck buddies but she has never had a boyfriend, let alone lost her virginity.
This is for one very... odd reason. She thinks that despite her otherwise amazing appearance, her vagina looks funny/strange, and would turn off any guy that sees it, or at least make him laugh. This is compounded by the fact that she thinks any guy she tries to have sex with will laugh at her for being a virgin.
Her solution? Find what she calls a "cherry boy", or a virgin to lose her virginity to and build her confidence. When she finally finds one (Like 2 minutes into episode 1) who sits next to her in her class, she proceeds to mock him for his virginity, throw him in a closet and show him her boobs (With her bra still on, so not really I guess), steal one of his schoolbooks, and get him to rub her stomach. Either she's quite insane, or simply the most awkward person on earth.
Now, the show never really explains why she is so obsessed with sex, except that she's 15 and given her goal of wanting 100 fuck buddies, aspires to be a whore. I guess it's important to have goals?
Honestly, as retarded/ecchi as this show sounds, it's much cleaner than you might imagine. It's clearly trying to build up a real relationship between Yamada and the boy previously mentioned, and will likely evolve into a fairly average shoujo, albeit one that is so focused on sex it could easily turn into porn.
Will I watch it? Probably. But remember I also watched Kampfer, which had the rare quality of being consistently terrible.
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