Ookami-san to Shichin no Nakamatachi is one of the shows I'm most interested in this year. At first that was due to the main character, Ookami Ryoko looking exactly like Aisaka Taiga, just with longer legs. Now that I've seen the first episode, I actually find the show itself interesting.
The basic plot follows Ookami Ryoko and her seven companions, hence the name of the shows. They run a sort of club that helps people in exchange for favors down the road. Near the beginning of the episode, a boy named Morino Ryoshi that has been stalking Ookami confesses his love to her when she forces him out of hiding. It turns out he has a phobia of being looked at, due to being brought up in a very rural area. Ookami's best friend, ironically named Akai Ringo, hears this, and insists he join their club, as his ability to follow people unnoticed may prove useful.
As far as over-arching plot, that's all that really happens. There's a short plotline involving Morino's first "mission" with the club, but it seems irrelevant to the main story.
This show also has a kind of theme running in it. The characters seem to be a play on characters from childrens stories. The main characters all relate to (even look like, in Akai's case) characters in Little Red Riding Hood. The whole first episode is like a re-telling of Cinderella. Even the name of the show: "Ookami-san and Seven Companions" can be compared to "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves".
In addition, Ookami-san is produced by JC Staff, who apparently do nothing but light novel adaptations. It contains many VAs from their other shows. Narrator = Kuroko(Index/Railgun), Akai Ringo = Saten(Index), Ookami Ryoko = Itou Shizuka(Railgun), Eika(Sky Girls), Wilhelmina(Shana), Rachel(Baccano), and Hinagiku(Hayate).
All in all, I like this show so far. If not actually a very good show in itself, it's pretty entertaining.
Also Ookami has cat-knuckles. I'd post a picture if I could find one.
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