Sunday, October 24, 2010


So I never made a post of what shows I'd be watching. Sorry about that, I'll put up a list after this post.

That's mostly because I've been somewhat busy with school, finding a job, and preparing to move back to my parents house. A few of my friends might have an open room in their house next month, but they need to talk about whether I can live there without being able to pay rent until I find a job, if not, I get to move back in with my parents. (I love my mom, but that's really not something I'd like to do, for various reasons I won't discuss here.)

See, I was going to try to kinda blog about a show episode-by-episode, and figured I'd do that with To Aru Majutsu no Index II, but I encountered a problem.

You should have noticed a couple things from reading my blog. First, I'm not that great of a writer. Actually, I hate most writing, which is why I hate English classes in all forms, despite how much I love to read. The next thing I hope you noticed is that I try not to spoil shows when I'm reviewing them. Something I doubt you've noticed is that I won't post something unless I am either satisfied with the quality of the post or pissed off about something to the point that quality means nothing to me. That's not to say all of my posts are high quality, just that they were sufficient enough to pass my neurosis-check. (I really do suspect that I'm mildly OCD or Autistic sometimes.)

This brings me to the problem I encountered when trying to write a blog post about the first episode of Index. See, being a second season, a lot of it doesn't make sense unless you've seen the first season (If you haven't you really should, it was great). So I found it difficult, with my limited writing ability, to come up with a post that I liked enough to publish.

I also found that I enjoyed shows less when I was watching them with the intent of blogging about them afterward, kind of like how writing an in-depth book report makes me enjoy reading less. It makes me focus on every negative thing in the book/episode, so it doesn't seem as good to me.

Anyways, that's why I haven't made the promised post, that one will be forthcoming as soon as I get something to eat.

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